Customer vs. Client

Many organizations use the two terms CUSTOMER & CLIENT interchangeably – essentially anyone who is or might purchase goods or services from them. At Scythe & Spade, we have both Customers and Clients and they are distinctly different. Hence, we label them and regularly and actively differentiate between them. 

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Brett MacNeil
American Agriculture

Even though the US has only 6% of the world’s population, it has approximately 20% of the world’s arable land. Furthermore, the productivity of US land is stupendous. Fifty years ago, 10 tons of tomatoes per acre was good; today 50 tons is more the norm.

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Brett MacNeil
Support vs. Agreement

Healthy debate with the Client’s best interests in mind results in greater value by harnessing the collective genius of the Team through an environment in which great ideas can thrive.

But when that conflict threatens the Teams peak performance, we always refer to our Core Values to help drive our behaviors.

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Brett MacNeil