NCREIF US Row Crop 2024 CAP rates were 3.0%, down from a recent peak of 3.7% in 2022 and continuing a long-term compression trend.
Read MoreNCREIF US Row Crop Farmland values increased by 2.6% year over year (red line in the nearby chart, continuing a downward trend since peaking at about 10% in 2022
Read MoreScythe & Spade Welcomes Lyn Wolff as Transaction Analyst
Read MoreAfter months of closed-door conversations between Idaho’s Surface Water Coalition (SWC), Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer (ESPA) groundwater district representatives, the Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the state’s own Lt. governor- a new water mitigation plan has been finalized.
Read MoreWhile doing some work for a client recently, we pulled together several charts that have very similar patterns: Net Cash Farm Income, the rolling nearby corn futures price, and the NCREIF US Rowcrop Farmland Appreciation rate. What they tell us is that low corn prices have a surprising effect, well outside of the corn belt.
Read MoreThere are at least 6 things that can increase, or decrease, our supply of a commodity. Here we look at each one of these factors in turn to better understand the production of peanuts.
Read MoreIn this second installment of our analysis on the peanut production industry in the US we will be looking into peanut demand both domestically, and around the world.
Read MoreFor the second crop in our series of deep dives into specialty crops, we take a look at peanut production in the Southeastern and Southern Plains in the US.
Read MoreEarlier this year, the National Association of Realtors reached a landmark legal settlement. “Two main changes are happening now. First, listings in local databases called multiple-listing services will no longer show whether a seller is offering to pay a buyer’s agent, or how much. Second, buyers will be required to sign agreements specifying how much their agents will be paid.
Read MoreThere has been a great deal of controversy about foreign ownership and investment in US Agricultural Land over the last few years, stirring up fears of foreign control of the very land that feeds us. But what are the real figures? In which states is it most prevalent and what is the status of foreign ownership restrictions in each state? Here we take a deep dive into the real numbers to provide some context
Read MoreFor most Idaho groundwater users in the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA) the Curtailment Order issued by the IDWR on May 30th,2024 was seen as a death blow that came out of nowhere.
Read MoreFor our second trimester Strategy & Execution Planning meetings this May our team had the pleasure to immerse ourselves in the rich lands and culture of Arkansas for strategic planning and farm tours, fried bologna sandwiches, Mosquitoes from hell, and a fire alarm for boiled peanuts.
Read MoreThe second installment in a Deep Dive into a truly global specialty crop.
Read MoreRow Crop Farmland rolling annual appreciation rate continued its downward trend at 5.6%, down from 6.4% in Q4 2023.
Read MoreThe 2022 Idaho Agricultural census confirmed what all Idahoans knew; we are losing farms, ranches, and harvestable forest lands. Since the 2017 Agricultural census there were 143,949 less reported acres in production agriculture. A new Idaho law may help slow that.
Read MoreDue Diligence is at the core of what we do at Scythe & Spade. Recently we were engaged to represent a seller on a large hazelnut orchard in the Pacific Northwest. Join us as we take a three-part look at what we have learned about the hazelnut industry.
Read MoreScythe & Spade continues to build its GIS mapping and analytical capabilities with the addition of Scout Mauch as GIS Analyst.
Read MoreUS Row Crop Farmland NCREIF quarter on quarter values spiked in Q4 2023 from 0.25% in Q3 to 2.8% in Q4 and up 6.4% year on year.
Read MoreWhile technology has enabled seamless remote collaboration, there's no substitute for the rich dynamics that in-person meetings bring. Investing in face-to-face interactions for a remote team is an investment in building a resilient, high-performing, and united workforce. There are at least five ways in which we improve our team skills every time we meet:
Read MoreIt’s that time of year at Scythe and Spade where our team comes together to set goals and objectives for 2024 and to discuss our strategy.
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